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Turkey Teeth Implants - Teeth Implants Cost - Tooth Implants Treatment in Antalya Dental Center

Dental Implants in Turkey, Antalya

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed inside the jawbone in order to support a bridge or replacement tooth, Usually made of titanium or other biocompatible materials, they can fuse with the jawbone tissue to create a sturdy and dependable foundation for a dental prosthesis.

What are dental implants?

Dental Tooth Implant in Turkey, Antalya

Dental implants are a long-term option for replacing lost or broken teeth. The implants, which resemble tiny screws, serve as the foundation for dentures. They are inserted into the jawbone and function like roots by holding up the tooth, bridge, or denture. Possibilities include implant-retained dentures, implant-supported bridges, single-tooth implants, multiple-tooth implants,, and teeth-in-a-day.

The dental implant screw is designed to integrate with the bone and features an attachment point (abutment) for the crown of the tooth. As titanium has no negative effects on the human body and rapidly forms a link with new bone that penetrates the titanium implant surface, titanium is typically used to make implants. Your implants should last a lifetime as long as you take care of them and practice basic dental hygiene.

Who is suitable for dental implants?

If a patient has acceptable levels of oral and overall health will determine whether they are eligible for dental implants.

The main factors are health and patient safety, which may be properly handled.

Conditions related to oral health are similarly crucial. While establishing implant compatibility, factors such as the suitability of the implant location, overall oral cleanliness, and the number of teeth to be replaced are taken into account.

The first thing to note is that only bone that is no longer developing or is practically no longer growing may be used to place dental implants.

This implies that only adults and adolescents, usually those who are 18 or older, are eligible for the therapy. Braces are frequently taken into account while deciding how to fill a space.

Disorders like hemophilia that may interfere with the body's normal healing process must also be taken into account.

The patient might not be a good candidate for the dental implant operation if certain health issues are present.

Moreover, individuals who have had radiation treatment to the head or neck may also have decreased levels of bone density, making surgery on the bone contraindicated.

Before suggesting and placing dental implants, the dentist will inquire about the patient's medical history in all pertinent ways.

What are the 3 types of dental implants?

What are the 3 types of dental implants? in Turkey, Antalya
  1. An endosteal implant (Bone-insert implant)

An endosteal dental implant is a type of implant that screws into the upper or lower jaw bone and then, over the course of a three to six month healing period, grafts or "bonds" with the bone.

  1. A subperiosteal implant (Bone implant on top of)

The primary part of a subperiosteal implant is an extended metallic arch that has been fashioned to encapsulate a portion of exposed jaw bone. The jaw bone is anchored to the frame firmly. By stitching the gum back into place, posts that protrude from the implant's base and sit above the gumline are concealed.

  1. Transosteal implants (Bone-through implant)

A transosteal implant can only be utilised in the lower jaw (mandible).

This is due to the technique's use of jaw-through drilling. This is because jaw-through drilling is used in this technique.

Please click here to get more info about "types of dental implants"

Please click here to get more info about "Screw Retained Implant Better and Cemented Implants"

Dental Implant Treatment Methods

  1. Loss of a single tooth in the upper front jaw
Loss of a single tooth

  1. Multiple teeth losses
Multiple teeth losses

  1. All teeth losses
All teeth losses

What are pros and cons of dental implants?


  • Durability

Dental implants, in contrast to conventional prostheses, are made of strong materials like titanium and won't deteriorate with time.

  • Improved appearance

Because they look so natural, an enhanced appearance will make it easier for you to smile with confidence once more.

  • Better oral health

A study conducted five years following the procedure found that those with dental implants saw a lower rate of gum infection than those without them!

  • Better speech

Implants provide more support for the normal movements of your mouth while you talk.


  • Infection: Bacteria that enters your mouth through the gum tissue surrounding the implant could cause an infection at the surgical site.

  • Peri-implantitis (inflammation of gum tissue): Peri-implantitis is an infection of the gum tissue caused by bacteria that invades the gums around an implant.

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How to prepare for dental implant surgery?

  • The consultation process must be done before dental implants to assess general health and oral health.
  • The patient's mouth will be X-rayed.
  • If necessary, a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan should be done.
  • The CBCT scan provides a topographic representation of the mouth in a three-dimensional image.
  • In cases where there is not enough bone density, the dentist might recommend treatments to thicken the bone.
  • A bone transplant can be required if the patient has experienced bone loss or degeneration in the area where the dental implant is inserted.
  • Depending on the size of the graft and the patient's natural healing rate, it often takes 6 to 12 months following surgery for the dental implant treatment to begin.
  • The approach known as "directed tissue regeneration"can also be applied.
  • The dental implant phase begins after oral and dental health is ensured with additional treatments.
  • Prostheses are composed of materials like zirconium, which have a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Following the acquisition of the required measurements and the creation of the intended dental prosthesis, the procedure is finished when the prosthesis is melted into the implants inserted into the mandible.

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Dental Tooth Implant in Turkey, Antalya

How is single dental implant performed?

There will normally be 2 steps to the surgery.

    Step 1: Putting the dental implant

To drill a hole in the bone, this hole will house the implant. Afterwards, screws are used to hold the dental implant in place. Approximately between 3 and 6 months the process of "osseointegration" occurs.

It is possible to immediately install temporary teeth on top of the implant. Once the bone has bonded to the dental implant, the permanent prosthetic teeth are used to replace the temporary ones.

    Step 2: Installing the artificial teeth

Following the bone's healing and preparation for a second step of surgery. The implant site will be visible once the dentist makes a gum incision. After that, the implant's head is secured by a tubular healing cap.

After the healing procedure is complete, the healing cap is taken off. The implant is filled with an abutment, which is then fixed in place. The abutment is the surface to which the crown is securely attached to the tooth.

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How is the recovery process after single dental implant?

who is suitable for Dental Teeth Implants in Turkey, Antalya

It is a multi-step process that may take several months to finish. Prior to fusing with the bone, the implant must be surgically placed into the mandible and allowed to heal for a few weeks.

After an implant has adequately linked with the jawbone, the following step in the healing process is to attach a post to it. Dental prostheses like crowns and bridges are supported by this post. The post needs to recover for a few weeks after it is connected to the implant.

Even though dental implant surgery may require a prolonged recovery period, it is an essential step towards restoring your oral health. It is essential to follow your dentist's advice and practice good dental care in order to facilitate the appropriate healing of your implant. Dental implants have the potential to survive for many years and can even improve oral health if properly maintained.

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Why are dental implants better than bridges?

Multiple dental crowns make up a bridge and they fill in the spaces where you have lost teeth. A bridge is anchored by either dental implants or your own teeth. Although bridges have their place, dental implants often offer more advantages. Implants are more durable than bridges and won't require as much maintenance or replacement in the long run.

Due to the fact that they feel and work like your actual teeth, implants also frequently provide greater comfort. With implants, you can't detect the difference between them and your natural teeth, unlike with bridges, because they match your teeth better.

Advantages of Dental Implants Over Bridges:

You may think about dental implants for a number of reasons, including:

Due to its extreme intensity, decay cannot be repaired by dental fillings.

You can no longer wear dentures.

Because your jawbone is deteriorating actively, your face appears sunken in.

You experienced dental trauma or lost a tooth.

A fixed bridge would be too awkward to use.

What is bone grafting?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure performed by adding bone tissue to the jawbone if the jawbone is insufficient before implant treatment.

The bone tissue used in the procedure is usually taken from the patient's hip bone or another part of the body. Bone tissue from a donor may also be used; if this is not possible, synthetic bone tissue may be used. Bone graft is usually used to stabilize the dental implant in the jaw.

It is necessary when there is not enough bone mass in the jawbone to support the implant.

Bone grafting needs to be performed in a dental clinic or hospital setting. Beforehand, the patient is given local anesthesia or sedation. Recovery time after bone grafting varies, but most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days.


As local anesthesia is typically utilized during dental implant treatments, there shouldn't be any discomfort during the process.
After the procedure, you can experience some soreness or mild pain, but this is usually manageable with over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen.

Several factors can influence the level of pain or discomfort experienced, such as the patient's pain threshold, the duration of the procedure, and the occurrence of complications.
Most people report that the soreness is bearable and goes away in a few days, while some people may have discomfort more than others.

  • Find a good dentist
  • Follow the post-procedure instructions in the guidelines.
  • Take the recommended medicines; Ibuprofen is a popular choice.
  • Use ice to reduce pain;All you have to do is place the ice on your cheek, right next to the most sensitive spot. Even ice packs covered in a towel and frozen vegetable wraps can work wonders.
  • Using salt water to rinse
  • Avoid harder foods
  • Maintain good oral hygiene
  • Get enough rest

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Turkey's cost of living and pay levels are generally lower than those of many other countries. Dental offices may therefore charge less for their services than they would in countries where labour costs are higher.

Turkish dental implants are more affordable for several reasons:

  • Turkey has less expensive labour and operating costs than its peers in the US and Europe for dentistry clinics and hospitals.
  • Due to a recent decrease in the value of the Turkish lira, foreign patients can now travel to Turkey for dental implant procedures at a reduced cost.
  • The Turkish government has made a concerted effort to promote medical travel, especially travel related to dentistry.
  • Turkish hospitals and dental clinics are well known for providing excellent dental care while making use of the newest tools and techniques.

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For a variety of reasons, Turkey is frequently regarded as a safe destination for dental implant procedures. The country of Turkey boasts an advanced healthcare system that includes cutting edge facilities, a highly skilled medical workforce, and stringent safety and hygienic requirements. Additionally, international organisations have accredited numerous dental facilities and specialists in Turkey, attesting to their adherence to strict quality and safety requirements.

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Typical anaesthetics that might be used (single or in combination) during the dental implant procedure are as follows:

  1. Local anesthesia

Local anaesthetics are used to numb a specific area of the body. Stated differently, the patient remains conscious. The patient will often become aware of the effects of the local anaesthetic a few minutes after it has been injected.

A local anesthetic stops a region of the body's nerves from communicating with the brain. The effects of the local anaesthetic will gradually wear off over the course of a few hours.

  1. Conscious sedation

With conscious sedation, the patient is awake, unlike with a general anaesthetic. During the procedure, a vein is punctured with a sedative. Anaesthetists are in charge of monitoring blood oxygen saturation and heart rate.

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Dental implants are starting to be acknowledged as a practical solution for those who are missing teeth, even though many dental patients still see them as an exotic alternative. In more than 90% of cases, contemporary implants made of premium materials work well. For a successful dental patient, an implant will normally last 10 years, but under ideal circumstances, over 80% of recipients' implants can last up to 16 years. Dental implants have a failure rate of less than 5%.

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When numerous teeth have been lost, same-day implants are used. Multiple implants are placed during a single surgical surgery, and a temporary or permanent bridge or denture may be attached.

Usually, a permanent bridge will take the place of a temporary one when a sufficient amount of time has passed for healing (i.e. once the bone has healed around the multiple implants).

When a patient has lost several teeth, this sort of operation is preferred since it saves the patient from having to undergo numerous separate surgeries.

Dental implants can fail for a variety of reasons, including when they fail to fuse with your jawbone or gum tissue. Among the most frequent causes are:

  • Oral hygiene issues Bacteria can gather near the implant site if you don't practice appropriate dental hygiene, which can lead to an infection. As a result, there may be issues with your dental implants since the implant won't fuse with your jawbone.

  • Smoking Toxins included in cigarette smoke can harm your mouth's cells and tissues. This raises your risk of getting an infection at the implant site and raises the likelihood that your dental implants may fail.

  • Gum illness An infection and inflammation of the gums can result from the common dental condition known as gum disease. It can spread to the implant site and result in issues with dental implants if left untreated.

  • Bones of poor quality You might not be a candidate for dental implants if your jawbone does not contain enough bone. Failure of the implant might be caused by insufficient bone tissue preventing it from bonding with your jawbone.

  • One concern associated with dental implants is age. Due to poor bone quality and health difficulties, older persons are more prone to encounter dental implant troubles.

  • There are several types of dental implants, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Prior to obtaining dental implants, you should learn about the various kinds of implants that are available and which kind best fits your needs.

    Endosteal, subperiosteal, and transosteal implants are the three main options. Dental implants called endosteal implants are commonly utilised. They are usually made of titanium and are inserted into the jawbone via oral surgery. Endosteal implants provide the best stability and are the least expensive option for most patients.

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    Because dental implants have been used to replace missing teeth for many years, there has never been any evidence linking them to a higher risk of oral cancer. No matter how long they are in your mouth, the titanium components used to anchor the replacement tooth to the jawbone do not offer any health problems and do not raise the risk of cancer.

    Even if there are several forms for dental implants that are more accessible. The most popular kind of dental implant is divided into three parts:

  • Dentistry Implant
  • While titanium or a titanium alloy is recognized for providing the best outcomes in terms of integrating with the bone, it is often used to create the screw-like dental implant.

  • Abutment
  • The abutment can be produced from a number of materials, including titanium or stainless steel, and is more or less entirely enclosed within the prosthetic tooth.

  • Crown (Prosthetic tooth, bridge, or denture)
  • The visible portion of the prosthetic tooth is called the crown, which can be made of a number of materials, such as porcelain and ceramic compounds.

  • Screw retained implants are those in which the abutment and the crown frequently come together as a single piece. For patients, these are always preferred. Nevertheless, screw retained implants might not always be possible depending on the site of the implant.

  • Individual dental implants may not always need to support prosthetic teeth in a 1:1 ratio.

    Based on elements including bone density and the availability of space between any existing teeth or implants, the dentist will determine if a particular portion of jaw bone is a suitable location for implants.

    A generally healthy adult who is missing just one tooth can anticipate that the procedure will include placing just one dental implant, on top of which will be attached a single replacement tooth (filling the hole left by the missing tooth).

    The dentist may decide to place dental implants in the most acceptable jaw locations when two or more consecutive teeth are lost and then attach a bridge or partial denture.

    A treatment plan will list each option in detail (this is the plan put forward by the dentist following the completion of all initial eligibility checks).

    Dental implants are typically viewed as a longer-term dental therapy for tooth loss that is more desired than alternatives.

    This is so that teeth extractions, etc., are no longer necessary. Dental implants are set into place and do not move, offering good long-term value for money.

    Nevertheless, there are alternate therapies available if a patient does not want to have the surgical procedures required to place dental implants:

    a. Tooth supported fixed bridge

    In contrast to the dental implant treatment, the tooth-supported fixed bridge is one of the most popular alternatives to tooth replacement.

    The actual bridge is often made up of at least three linked artificial teeth; the surrounding teeth are hollow, while the middle tooth is solid.

    In the mouth, the dentist will form the two natural teeth on either side of the gap. Now, these supports may be used to support the two outside teeth of the bridge.

    A bridge is typically considered a medium-term treatment because of the hazards to the natural teeth and the challenges of maintaining a bridge, which include some predicted degradation of the jaw bone and surrounding tissue.

    b. Partial denture (removable)

    A removable partial denture is made up of one or more artificial teeth that are fastened to a base made of plastic or metal (often cobalt-chrome) that rests in the roof of the mouth.

    This form of tooth repair is often less expensive than the alternatives, however it offers reduced overall biting and chewing capability.

    Moreover, because the gum is exposed, some soft tissue degeneration and jaw bone degradation are predicted to occur over time.

    c. Complete denture (removable)

    An affordable option for numerous tooth repair is a full removable denture.

    The musculature and gums can be used to hold the denture in place when it is attached to the gum. Using a specially formulated denture glue, the denture may be further reinforced.

    Functionality of the results varies, and the majority of individuals experience some denture movement. Speaking may make clicking noises as a result, and eating may be rather challenging.

    A full denture might last 10 to 15 years. Nevertheless, patients should be informed that during this time, soft tissue degradation and a decrease in jawbone density might take place.

    d. Resin-bonded bridge

    A resin-bonded bridge is a form of bridge that doesn't involve shaping or reducing the natural teeth next to the gap.

    The bridge is made out of a thin metal wing linked to a center solid prosthetic tooth. On the nearby healthy teeth, these wings are cemented into position.

    Some patients might consider a resin bonded bridge to be a better alternative for a bridge because it doesn't require any tooth preparation.

    A resin-bonded bridge, however, won't work as well as a permanent bridge supported by teeth and will probably need more care.

    When contrasting implants and partials, there are a number of important elements to take into account, including comfort, aesthetics, the time required to perform the surgery, dependability, and cost.

    1. Coziness and dependability; Implants unquestionably provide greater comfort and dependability. They can sustain years of usage without deterioration or damage since they are stronger, firmly fastened in place, and permanent. Moreover, reliability entails that there will be no shifting, slipping, or falling out, as with dentures. Moreover, the existence of the neighboring teeth is necessary for dentures to stay in place. If the neighboring teeth deteriorate or fall off, these artificial teeth will be useless. In actuality, they have the potential to harm the teeth that serve as their supports.

    Dentures may be obtained at a lower price and faster than waiting months. They often cost less as well. Yet, if you have the patience to wait and the money to pay for implants, it can end up being a superior choice in the long term. Keep in mind that patients receiving subperiosteal implants, which do not require bone grafting, will experience a quicker implant process.

    2. Support for Dental Health; Although detachable partials are less expensive, they do not promote the long-term health of your teeth. For instance, the bone supporting the dental appliance may degenerate with time, which may damage the symmetry of your face and smile. On the other hand, implants encourage bone development and better gum and tooth health.

    3. Aesthetics; Your smile, how you feel yourself, and how others see you are all severely impacted by tooth loss. Having lost teeth is a major shame, especially if they are at the front of the mouth where they are visible when you speak or smile. So, when considering tooth replacement, implants are the most like your original teeth in both appearance and functionality. Go hard or go home, as the phrase goes. In other words, if you can afford it and want to restore your smile, why not just choose implants, which provide long-lasting results without the problems associated with partial dentures. You don't have to be concerned that someone will notice the metal partial structure if you grin all you want.

    Don't overlook the importance of longevity. How long do implants and dentures endure is a common query from patients. Partial dentures can endure for around 6 to 8 years with good care. Yet, if you take proper care of your implants, they might last a lifetime. Because they are comprised of metal and porcelain and are practically impervious to the microorganisms that cause caries, it should be noted that they do not decay.

    Yet, much like a normal tooth, your artificial crown is susceptible to damage or chipping. Trauma or poor dental hygiene may cause this. Without a doubt, dental professionals are increasingly offering dental implants to patients more frequently because to their numerous benefits.

    Tooth implant in Turkey might cost between $500 and $1000, depending on the dental facility, the material and equipment utilised, and other factors.

    We advise you to visit our clinic or contact us to learn more about this treatment, which is uniquely designed and carried out for each patient, to have a preliminary examination, and to receive clear and comprehensive information regarding the costs of implant teeth after being informed about the procedures that will be applied to you.

    Yes it is worth coming to Turkey for teeth implants, because;

    Turkey's dentistry clinics and hospitals have lower labour and operating costs than their equivalents in the US and Europe. Because of this, dentists can offer their services for less price without compromising on quality.

    The dental implant screw has an attachment point (abutment) for the tooth crown and is made to blend in with the surrounding bone. Titanium is commonly utilised to construct implants because it is biocompatible and quickly creates a connection with newly formed bone that penetrates the titanium implant surface. As long as you maintain proper oral hygiene and take care of your implants, they should last a lifetime.

    Even though local anaesthetic is frequently utilised during dental implant treatments, there shouldn't be any discomfort during the process. After the procedure, you might have some soreness or mild pain, but these can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers

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    Yes, it is definitely safe in Turkey.

    For a variety of reasons, Turkey is frequently regarded as a safe destination for dental implant surgery. To begin with, Turkey boasts an advanced healthcare system complete with cutting edge facilities, a highly skilled medical team, and stringent safety and hygienic laws.

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    Since the jaw and facial development must be completed, it is necessary to be over 18 years old. However, it is considered to be more appropriate to perform the procedures after the age of 25.

    Giving a certain timing dental implant procedure is not possible. The phases of dental implant formation are influenced by numerous factors. These are;

  • The patient's tooth and oral health,
  • The proportion of sufficient bone tissue to jawbone width in the patient,
  • When there is a lack of bone tissue, sophisticated surgical treatments such as bone grafting and sinus enlargement should be carried out prior to dental implant placement.
  • The quantity of teeth in need of implant therapy,
  • All implant dentistry operations are typically finished in six to nine months. There may be variations in the treatment completion time because each patient's course of care is customised for them.

  • These prosthetics are made of artificial white teeth encircled with pink plastic. Patients can take out and clean removable prosthesis at any time by placing them on a metal frame that is attached to the implant abutment.

    Dentists prefer seamless implant treatment because of the reduced risk of infection, particularly in smoker patients. Treatment for seamless dental implants is carried out using a closed method. The patient's gums are not flapped (incisionally formed), which lowers the possibility of problems. The patient's jawbone width must be adequate for smooth implant treatment in dental implant procedures. This procedure may be employed if our skilled dentist's examinations reveal that the width and tissue of your jawbone are adequate before beginning treatment.

    Warm, room-temperature foods should be ingested following the implant surgery to avoid cold-hot sensitivity Excessive jaw movement may worsen bleeding. Food should be soft to avoid wearing out the jaw; liquids foods should be preferred such as soup, puree, etc. Even in the absence of bleeding, hard and gritty meals should be avoided to protect the stitches. When it's time to resume eating regular foods after the implant process, your dentist will advise you. You should only eat soft foods during the fusion of the implant and your jawbone, even if you have returned to your regular diet.

    The screw implant has a cylindrical body with grooves on it. The implant is connected to the jawbone by using manner of those grooves. The screwless implant, then again, has no grooves and is attached to the jawbone way to a special design. Fewer surgical methods are used within the placement procedure of the screwless implant. For this purpose, the healing is faster. In the system called osseointegration, the implant have to surround the jawbone and receive the implant as an synthetic enamel root. In order for the osseointegration method to take location in a healthful way, it's vital to determine the suitable for you from screw and screwless implant options.

    - For more detailed information, please contact us or visit our dental clinic.